The designation of Castilla y León as an Innovative European Region is a recognition of its ongoing efforts to promote quality of life, sustainability and territorial cohesion, with digitalization and attention to talent as the means to achieve this.

Castilla y León has been a pioneer in boosting the modernization of the construction sector, with a commitment to the habitat industry, which has  been described as a strategic sector for its economic activity, and which incorporates a broad value chain, from endogenous resources, the transformation industry and construction and infrastructures to the auxiliary industry and revaluation and management.

The habitat sector concentrates in this Community some 24,000 companies, employing more than 80,000 people, with business figures exceeding 24,000 million euros.

In addition to this, Castilla y León has a dynamic and innovative private sector, with AEICE, the Efficient Housing Cluster, as a unifying force for the different agents and with a broad technological and knowledge network with experience in the field.

For all this, the Junta de Castilla y León has acted as a critical lever, activating policies to promote and support companies and organizations, as well as implementing major public initiatives such as the “Tuya” housing policy, cohousing, rehabilitation programs and the pioneering Castilla y León Habitat Sector Plan.