Amaia Celaya Amaia has expertise in urban design and planning, architecture, and international humanitarian action; she is expert in resilience and risk management models, as well as sustainability and climate action matters.... August 22, 2019
Josep Miquel Piqué Josep Miquel Piqué is a Telecommunication Engineer from La Salle and UPC and MBA from ESADE. He holds also diplomas from MI, UC-Berkeley and URL. He is the President of... July 31, 2019
Israel Ortega Cubero Director of Training and Technical Services Iberia at Uponor and member of the Steering Committee. Industrial Engineer and postgraduate in air conditioning project management by UPM, Master in MK and... July 26, 2019
Carlos J. Ochoa Fernandez Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and MBA from Babson College. President of the VR/AR Association Madrid Chapter, member of the AENOR Smart Cities Expert Group. Founder and CEO... July 16, 2019
Marta Conde Marta Conde, Professor at the University of Córdoba, chairs the Technical Association “Maderia. Spanish Wood Society ”. She worked on numerous projects related to wood as a structural material. The... July 12, 2019
Roberto Rojas Gallego Computer engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, with more than 30 years of experience leading design and implementation of technological solutions projects in the field of BIM, RE, AM... July 9, 2019
Enrique Bayonne Sopo Industrial Engineer, MBA. With over 20 years of multidisciplinary experience in various sectors occupying positions of responsibility. Managing Director of the Energy Cluster of the Valencian Community. July 9, 2019
César Bartolomé Muñoz Civil, Channels and Ports Engineer with 16 years of professional experience. In 2012 joined IECA, where he works as Director of the Innovation Area in the field of cement and... July 4, 2019
Teresa Batlle Pages 1989 Graduated from ETSAB_UPC. Co-founder, together with Felipe Pich-Aguilera of the architecture studio Picharchitects / Pich-Aguilera. President of the ASA Scientific Committee (Architecture and Sustainability Association. Member of the GBCe... July 3, 2019
Victor Meana Professor of the Construction and Manufacturing Engineering Department at UNIOVI. Business Advisor and Consultant specialized in Strategy and R&D. Expert in Strategic Planning and Business Development. More than 25 years... July 3, 2019
Rafael Izaguirre Morales Industrial Technical Engineer. Associated since 1979. Fireman for 38 years. In 1980 I became the Head of the Park of Hospitalet de Llobregat, also practicing as Chief of Police Force... July 3, 2019
Ricardo Devesa Obtained his degree in architecture at the School of Architecture of Valencia and is a PhD from the Barcelona Tech University. He is a professor at IAAC and is currently... July 3, 2019
Robert Gaitán Technical engineer at Retelec for more than 3 years. Responsible for the R&D section of the company and the control of new products. July 3, 2019
Rocío Quiñones Rodríguez Architect, Building Engineer, Technical Architect. Associate Professor at the University of Seville. PhD student in R+D+i project. Allplan training certified instructor for Allplan Systems Spain. Member of the Commission esBIM.GT2... July 3, 2019
Roger Guitart Andreu Starting my career in Madel as R+D engineer, developing a wide range of diffusion, regulation and air control products, and evolving towards the installations and technical client support, as Commercial... July 3, 2019
Rosa María Capdevila Roig Architect, Professor of Building and Civil Works for over 20 years. Currently Head of Department at Institut Provençana. July 3, 2019
Santiago Cirugeda RU is a studio that over the last 18 years has developed a working method based on the observation and analysis of the city, in order to address the urban... July 3, 2019
Santos De Paz Alberquilla Economist with experience in association management, promotion of initiatives and projects dedicated to communication in aspects of energy and building July 3, 2019
Sergio Muñoz Telecommunications Engineer CEO and co-founder of Laurentia Technologies and bim+partners. Director of buildingSMART Spain and Chairman of the standardization committee UNE-CT41-SC13 Has translated several standards, such as EN-ISO 19650 Teaching... July 3, 2019
Sylvia Felipe HYBRIDa is an architecture studio with fourteen years of experience in projects built, and an important career in the development of research projects focused on new technologies applied to architecture. July 3, 2019
Tapio Rosenius Finnish designer, innovator and an entrepreneur. His work seeks to create tangible connection between artificial light, digital futures, biomimetic and the human experience. He is the CEO of Skandal Technologies,... July 3, 2019
Núria Ruiz Salvador Engineer of the Infrastructure and Biomedical Engineering Department of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Mmember of the Medical Equipment and Technology team. Coordinator of the project for the participation of... July 3, 2019
Oriol Fernández Martínez Engineer with over 10 years of experience in consulting companies, especially in the maintenance of facilities and facility management. During my career I have held responsible positions in the commercial... July 3, 2019
Pablo Gil Martínez Architect with a PhD from the Bartlett School of Architecture, director of GilBartolome Arquitectos, with residential, airport and cultural projects mainly. I am a professor at the European University of... July 3, 2019
Paco Fernandez Ferreiro Galician industrial designer, who worked in advertising, audiovisual production, as cook, carpenter, and other fields that cought his attention. July 3, 2019
Patricia Martín Viallard Patricia Martín has a degree in Market Research and Techniques, has extensive experience in new digital models. CMO of iLuxenio managing the company’s digital strategy. July 3, 2019
Paula Torgal Paula Torgal, Architect, UTLisboa. Diploma Advanced Studies of Third Cycle. Project Professor at FAA-UL, until 2016. Co-founder of the PTJM study. 1st prize of the headquarters of the CRSS of... July 3, 2019
Pedro Judez Muñoz Industrial Engineer from the UPC. Its activity is focused on the improvement of design and construction processes in building projects. Associate Professor at the Department of Projects and Construction of... July 3, 2019
Rafael González del Castillo sancho Architect by the Polytechnic University of Madrid. BIM Expert and awarded the Most Brilliant Young Mind Award in Spain 2013. July 3, 2019
María Martínez Moreno Architect passionate about sustainable design and solutions, with experience in Spain and the Netherlands. CEO of MatMap ( platform for the sale of construction materials specialized in discontinued, materials that... July 3, 2019
Marlén López Fernández PhD in architecture, expert in the development of innovation projects for the biomimicry applications in architecture, as well as in the use of new manufacturing technologies (3D printing, laser cutting... July 3, 2019
Marwan Halabi Assistant Dean at the Faculty of Architecture at Beirut Arab University. Founder of Design, Engineering and Property Consulting in Beirut, carrying design studies mainly in the Gulf Area. Involved academically... July 3, 2019
Max Oliva Max is the Managing Director of Studio Banana Madrid, leading a diverse team crafting bespoke solutions in a wide breadth of creative projects with change-making organisations. His expertise includes Entrepreneurship,... July 3, 2019
Michael Weinstock Research is focused on the abstraction and systematisation of knowledge of biological morphogenesis and evolution to contribute to innovative computational processes of architectural design and materialisation necessary to sustain human... July 3, 2019
Miguel Ángel Cepeda Zaragoza Born in 1986 and a brought up on the family values of a job well done, Puertas Sanrafael has specialized in the manufacturing of doors of a superior quality, functionality... July 3, 2019
Muhamed Serdarevic Practicing founding architect of Normal Arhitektura and BIM Alliance, lectures at universities Barcelona, Istanbul, and Sarajevo, member of the Association of Bosnia Architects are some of the activities to advocate... July 3, 2019
Lucía Igualada González Degree in mathematics (UMU 2011) with Master in Statistics and Operational Research (UPC 2012). He works in the IREC Energy Systems Analytics Group developing and validating mathematical and optimization models... July 3, 2019
Luis Martinez Doctor in Social Sciences and Professor at UCM. Since 2002, director of public and private companies, energy, building and R+D+i. Led 12 projects of the National R&D Plan and the... July 3, 2019
Manuel Demirci López Telecommunication engineer. Worked in France as Global Product Manager and in Argentina as Business Leader, in both cases for the American Standard Group. Afterwards, director at LG Electronics. Finally, he... July 3, 2019
Manuel Gausa Navarro Manuel Gausa (Barcelona, 1959) is a PHD Architect, Full Professor of Urban Planning at UNIGE (Università degli Studi of Genova) and Director of the PHD Program. Dean of the IAAC... July 3, 2019
Manuel Jiménez García Manuel Jimenez García is the principal of madMdesign, and the co-founder of the robotic manufacturing design brand Nagami. His work has been exhibited worldwide. He is director of the MSc... July 3, 2019
Manuel Lobo Parra Technical architect passionate about construction with wood. Member of Finsa’s Technical Consulting team, responsible for promoting the use of wood in construction. July 3, 2019
Mar Alonso Martínez Technical Industrial Engineer (2017), Industrial Engineer (2010), Dr in Engineering (2013). Member of the GICONSIME-UNIOVI research group. Expert in numerical simulation in the sustainable construction sector. July 3, 2019
Marc Bach Bonet Civil engineer. Consultant and Project. Promoter and disseminator of new forms of project management in construction. Based on the principles of Toyota applied to the sector. Expert in IPD, LEAN,... July 3, 2019
Maria Callís Bañeres Dr. in Humanities and MBA from ESADE. Specialized in BUSINESS RETAIL & DESIGN STRATEGY working at national and international level for multinationals and companies of diverse economic activities since 1996.... July 3, 2019
Maria Mallo Zurdo Dr. architect. Her work focuses on the investigation of natural geometries through experimentation with artisanal and digital techniques. Her latest projects have been exhibited at Frac Center de Orléans, Youth... July 3, 2019
Jose María Sastre Technical Architect and Building Engineer. I managed 10 bioclimatic dwellings of Amayuelas de Abajo, Palencia, and the heated indoor pool of Toro. Coordinator of the mailing list on Architecture of... July 3, 2019
José Antonio Tenorio Ríos Civil, Channels and Ports Engineer graduated from ETSICCP. Polytechnic University of Madrid and Doctor by the University of Seville. He is a Senior Scientist at the CSIC and responsible for... July 3, 2019
Jose Antonio Vázquez Rodríguez Research Group of Architectural Structures. Head of the Digital Manufacturing Workshop at the ETSAC. Co-author guide at UBIM. Working group member nº2. People es.BIM, of the Scientific Committee EUBIM and... July 3, 2019
Jose Manuel Macias Nuñez Expert in projects and automated installations and home automation. July 3, 2019
Jose Ramón Herrero Rubio Radiant Air Conditioning Expert. Passionate about Social Networks, the world of sales and ethical business management. July 3, 2019
Juan Luis de Madariaga Architect from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Valladolid. International Master BIM Manager. Architecture project editor and construction manager for more than 25 years, 13 years of experience in... July 3, 2019
Juan Valsechi Bonacker Experience in visualizing solutions before problems arise. Since 1992 in the “construction” category. I was interested in motor disability and the density of people per square meter, as I believe... July 3, 2019
Juan Carlos Castaño Pérez CEO & General Manager of K-LINE in Spain and Portugal. He has extensive experience in the construction and aluminum carpentry sector. Has been holding the current position since 1999, he... July 3, 2019
Kepa Iturralde Lertxundi Kepa Iturralde is a research associate at the Chair of Building Realization and Robotics at the Technical University of Munich. He is focused on developing robotic, automation and digital manufacturing... July 3, 2019
Lisardo Mendo llaquet Specialist in strategies of visual merchandising and design of shop windows for large brands. Professor at several design colleges, art curator. Clients: Levi’s, Burberry, Adidas, Nike, New Era, Montblanc, etc. July 3, 2019
Jared Gil Entrepreneur by nature, always focused on areas such as IT, Marketing, but above all supporting the acceleration of business innovation. Combining my experience in Technology and Marketing and business co-founded... July 3, 2019
Jaume Colom Architect, inventor of the curtain wall system denvelops. Currently CEO at and in his architecture studio, has been a professor at the International University of Catalonia, a research intern... July 3, 2019
Javier Alba Garcia In the construction sector since 1997, having worked in over 30 countries and developed businesses with a wide variety of companies. Now focusing on a very important challenge that is... July 3, 2019
Javier Alonso Madrid Architect. Specialist in 3D print for Building with concrete, clay and comopisite materials. BIM Master Chief. BIM level 2 certificator. Member of European BIM standarization CEN TC 442, AENOR/UNE CTN41/SC13... July 3, 2019
Jesus Vicente Martín Architects specializing in art exhibition design. Colaborador at Olivari July 3, 2019
Jordi Ludevid Anglada Urban architect and consultant. Cultural landscape researcher, Advisor of Puerto Bcn. Delegate of the Bages Berguedà Pte of the Dm of Bcn Dean of the COAC Vp Cscae Pte of... July 3, 2019
Jordi Truco HYBRIDa is an architecture studio with fourteen years of experience in projects built, and an important career in the development of research projects focused on new technologies applied to architecture. July 3, 2019
Jose Angel Salanova Partner and director of ATBIM Building Engineering since its foundation in 2016. International BIM consultancy built by 18 people. Professor at the University of Zaragoza, in technical architecture and civil... July 3, 2019
Jose Antonio Viejo * Industrial Engineer, UPM. * Executive MBA, IE Business School * Master in Training of Trainers, UAB. * Experience: .- Labor Foundation of Construction: Director of Training and Employment. –... July 3, 2019
Gabriel Cerrada Currently, CEO of RIB Spain, with more than 30 years of experience in the technology sector in companies such as Dell, where he was CEO for Spain and Portugal, as... July 3, 2019
Gaspar Martín Sánchez Mechanical Industrial Engineer by UPC and Executive MBA by EUNCET with 20 years of experience in the heating sector and A.C.S. He is currently Technical Director at GROUPE ATLANTIC for... July 3, 2019
Gemma Canals Degree in environmental sciences from the UAB, with more than 5 years of experience in consulting in Circular Economy. Project Manager for Cradle to Cradle Certified™ certification projects and for... July 3, 2019
Guillermo Plaza Toldrá Technical Architect and Material Engineer. I develop my work as Technical Consultant at FINSA, specializing in wood solutions for the Real Estate Development. We cover decorative and constructive solutions in... July 3, 2019
Hector Noguera Industrial Engineer. Professional life linked to the facilities and, especially to those of HVAC and energy production from renewable sources. July 3, 2019
Huc Bassas Beltran Technical architect from the UPC. BIM Manager. Student of Architecture at ETSAV. I have worked as a production manager and BIM Manager. I am currently projecting in Revit and managing... July 3, 2019
Immaculada Simó González CEO of Gonsi. Wife, mother of 3 children and professional of the Real Estate Economist Sector and MBA by IESE. Convinced of the need for continuous training in these times... July 3, 2019
Iñaki Alonso Echevarría Urban architect graduated from the University of Madrid (ETSAM) in 1998. President of the Association for the measurement and dissemination of Ecology in architecture, the ECOMETRO. Managing partner of the... July 3, 2019
Emmanuel Natchitz Emmanuel Natchitz is the director of strategic development at ESITC Paris and a consultant to different organizations and professional associations to develop Smart Construction and BIM. He has created different... July 3, 2019
Felipe Pich-Aguilera Baurier Doctor Architect Graduated by the ETSAB_UPC in 1984. Founder of the Picharchitects / Pich-Aguilera study. 2010-2018 President of GBCe. Professor of the International University of Catalonia and Director of the... July 3, 2019
Fernando Olmos Technical Architect and Product Manager of roof systems in Tejas Borja. Responsible for the new developments of the company for continuous improvement in efficient solutions of sloping roofs. July 3, 2019
Fernando Valderrama Architect from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Technical Architect from the European University, MBA at IESE, University of Navarra, and Executive in Construction Management by the CSE. Linked to the... July 3, 2019
Francisco Fernández Ferreiro Born in Lugo in 1980, he began studying architecture but switched to industrial design. Interested in such disperse topics as retroinformatics, cooking or the maker movement, he is the author... July 3, 2019
Francisco Javier Díez Bachelor of Physical Sciences specializing in Electronics and Automation from the University of the Basque Country. Master in Electronics and Automation. Since 1996 works at Tekniker. Now he is a... July 3, 2019
Francisco S. Raya Portero Engineer and MBA from the Copenhagen Business School. Led the commercial development of Inditer. Area Manager Spain and Portugal of SANHUA Holding, world leader in climate controls and microchannel exchangers.... July 3, 2019
Fransesc Labastida Azemar Architect, Higher Technical School of Architecture. Advisor to the Higher Council of Colleges of Architects of Spain, and the Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, Member of the Technical Commissions of the... July 3, 2019
Begoña Fuentes Giner Technical Architect and Building Engineer. Professor and Researcher at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) in the field of BIM and Project Management. Director of the BIM UPV Postgraduate. Member... July 3, 2019
Bieito Silva Potí Architect, sustainability specialist and MBA, I am responsible for WELL certification at the Technological Institute of Galicia, WELL Market partner in Spain. Aware of sustainability, I believe in the capacity... July 3, 2019
Carlos Blanco Vazquez Entrepreneur and investor in tech startups. Founder of the Nuclio Venture Builder incubator, from the venture capital fund Encomenda Smart Capital, of the Accelerator Startup Accelerator Connector. Investor of Glovo,... July 3, 2019
Clara Rius Sambeat Architect from ETSAB, Architect partner at Estudi PSP Arquitectura. Healthcare Planner specializing in patient experience and person-centered design. Associate Professor of Postgraduate Studies at La Salle Arquitectura, Univ. Ramon Llull.... July 3, 2019
Claudia Carrasco Hernández Claudia is an Architect with a Master in Industrial Design, working currently in Business Development at July 3, 2019
Claudia de la Torre Herrero Industrial Engineer specializing in Product design. Currently Product Manager at Hydro Building Systems for the WICONA brand. Specialist in sustainable products of the Hydro group. Master in Project Management, studying... July 3, 2019
Claudia Pasquero Claudia Pasquero’s work operates at the intersection of biology, computation and design. She is Co-Director of ecoLogicStudio, Director of the Urban Morphogenesis Lab at The Bartlett UCL and Professor of... July 3, 2019
Claudio Garcia Martorell Extensive experience in the management of projects within the technology sector, specifically in software developments for Industry 4.0. He currently works as Product Manager in the company A.G.C. July 3, 2019
Cristina Sendra Chemical Engineer of formation with a doctorate in the Industrial Ecology field, analyzing the metabolism of industrial systems and the sector of the construction. He has been working in the... July 3, 2019
David Sanz Arauz Research geologist in historical materials and new materials. Contracted Professor Doctor of the ETSA-UPM July 3, 2019
David Vadillo Connected to the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector since the beginning of my career, currently promoting integral systems of low-consumption air conditioning, intelligent and connected to the Internet, as... July 3, 2019
Alberto Jiménez Martín Alberto Jiménez studied Industrial Engineering and soon specialized in the field of heating and renewable energies. Currently Technical Director at Baxi Heating. July 3, 2019
Amador Menéndez Velázquez Doctor in Chemistry, investigates at the IDONIAL Technology Center (Asturias). He has been working as a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, achieving the world record for efficiency in... July 3, 2019
Andrés Navarra Pradales Serial Entrepreneur. I have always worked in the areas of marketing & management, introducing a new passion into my experience, the innovation. Master from EAE & ESADE. Associate professor in... July 3, 2019
Ángel Fernández Responsible for the Department of Industrialization of AEDAS Homes, prized for promoting the industrialization of residential development on a large scale through its new line of OffSite promotions. July 3, 2019
Angel Ripoll Riera Technical Architect of training. I have developed my professional career in different companies of the building sector. For 20 years I have been working for the Technal and Wicona brands... July 3, 2019
Antonio Batlle Architect from ETSAB. As a student he collaborated with David Chipperfield Architects and as an architect in the extension of the Fira de Barcelona by Toyo Ito-IDOM. After a few... July 3, 2019
Antonio Tort M. Sc. Creative Architect and Director of the International Master BIM Manager marketed by BIM Freelance and Zigurat since 2014 in Spanish, Portuguese and English, endorsed by the U.B., Can.... July 3, 2019
Antonio Vilaseca Martínez Chemical engineer. 45 years in TITAN Industries in various areas, the last 17 years as Technical Director. July 3, 2019
Anzhelika Ivanova Anzhelika Ivanova received a double MSc degree in electrical engineering from Technical University of Eindhoven and Polytechnic University of Catalonia. In 2017 she joined IREC as a project engineer. She... July 3, 2019
Ada Yvars Bravo Ada Yvars is co-founder of MYAA architects. Her projects are international and cover all fields of urban planning, architecture and interior design. Her professional practice has received multiple awards and... July 3, 2019
Albert Cunill Costa Technical Architecture Studies. In 1998 entered Hydro Building Systems, initially as Technical Office in the commercial department. Since 2001, he joined the MKT department carrying out product development functions. And... July 3, 2019
Albert Espinalt Romero Architect and technical architect of training, specialized in business management (project management and MBA). I started my professional career in the Grupo Constructora d’Aro through Compact Habit, a company created... July 3, 2019
Alberto Armisén Fernández Passionate about new technologies. He has been working for 25 years in the Construction sector. Founded the first BIM consulting company in Spain and is currently the founder of PetroBIM.... July 3, 2019
Alberto Fernández-Aller de Roda Alberto is Dr Corporate of Prinex Real Estate, leading real estate software in the market, where he has been leading sales of IT management solutions for the real estate sector... July 3, 2019